Pirate King Seraph

Dr Dominatrix? You Have A Patient! Edens Zero Chapter 198 BREAKDOWN

Are we ever going to visit Oedo, I wonder?…….

This has gotta be one of the most Gruesome, VIOLENT, DISTRUBING chapters of “Edens Zero” to date. Maybe even his most Volatile of all of the chapters he’s done- be they special chapters, one shots, or a chapter of his previous 2 works. But I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. In fact; it actually made me appreciate Sister a little more. I still love and adore Witch, and Hermit’s pretty cool. But Sister…………. She kinda “hits different” now. All because of Edens Zero Chapter 198: “Nightmare.” 


Oh boy………………….

When we last left off: Homura had just defeated Brigadine, and Shiki’s group continues to move towards the core of the planet. Meanwhile; Clown makes his way towards the Zero’s most treasured secret: Etherion. Despite being there and trying to hack into it last chapter; he makes his way past the Hangar- and an infected Hermit- towards Etherion. But he’s unable to fully break in; his counterpart comes to stop him. She heals up Hermit, and explains how she escaped Clown’s Ether Beast(Beast made of Ether): She healed it ’til it popped.

Clown condemns Sister for killing a living thing when she’s the “Life Of Edens,” but Sister says it was just a creature that was made with his ether- essentially a weapon. Seeing how callous she can be; Clown deems himself fit to teach her about “Death,” and sucks her into the Nightmare realm. She tries to get herself out, but she gets sucked in, and is bound in chains. Which she is SO not a fan of. But then Clown tells her that Rebecca was also trapped in here earlier and………… she can’t help but DROOL at the thought of it.

Because of Shiki; Rebecca missed out on her Nightmare. But he can mess with Sister ’til the heat death of the Universe. Which he does.

Very Gruesome. And at the end of “Round 1-” Sister laughs in his face. She KNOWS that this is an illusion; Clown told her at the beginning. She admits that any Average person would have broken even knowing it wasn’t real, but having gotten her Mental Counselor’s License at some point- she’s not affected. Clown tried to f*ck with her, so she’s gonna F*ck Right Back. Thank you for that quote, “Harley Quinn.” Using the same gimmick as when she healed Kleene, she hacks into Clown’s “Nightmare Realm,” and begins to have. Her. FUN.

Her brutality is too much for Clown to bear, and he ends up breaking the Nightmare Realm. But she can keep going- promising that his “Life” will be all that there is of him when she’s done. He knows what’s coming next. And so does Hermit. Thus; Edens Zero Chapter 198 comes to a Grim END!! Rest In Peace, Clown……….


Welp, I’m A Sister Fan Now. NOT just BECAUSE OF THE FAN SERVICE!! No, no; I’m starting to like her as a character. She’s simultaneously the TOUGHEST and Most Emotional member of the crew, I feel. I like how she can be both without her rough attitude being a “front” for her emotional side. She seemed to take it the hardest of the Shining Stars when Valkyrie was revealed to be dead(aside from Homura, obviously), and she showed in this chapter that she can take whatever she can dish out. Know what I mean?

“That The Best You Got?”

And she continues to show that she’s a fan of Rebecca- if for nothing more than the fact that she’s…………. “her type” if you catch my drift. She will scream when she’s in pain; she’ll beg for you to stop; and a few other “X” rated topics that I can’t really get into because if this blog ever gets big people will focus on what I say and make me sound like a sexist or something. POINT IS: She likes Rebecca. But is she legit Gay, or is it just a little crush has? She also showed some slight attraction towards Holybut then who HASN’T at this point? She’s HOT plain and simple. Or maybe she just likes to torture beautiful women. WHO KNOWS?

Whatever the case may be; I’m starting to come around to her character. And I hope she and Hermit make it out of this arc. Can’t say the same for the Dark Stars, I’m afraid. Wizard got b!tch made so soon that he just kind of felt lame; Clown last the longest, but over all wasn’t that interesting; and Killer and Brigadine had to get Remodels to be here right now. But they’ve thus far been the most interesting of the Dark Stars! Brigadine had that whole “Honor” thing, and his fight with Homura has thus far been my favorite this arc. And Killer- on top of having a cool design- introduced to us a concept that changes how we think about the Power Currency(Ether).

But if they’re getting beaten like this, and Ziggy is seemingly the weakest of the 3 enemies this arc(Crow, Acnoella, and Ziggy himself); the Edens One crew has been……….. lack luster thus far. I don’t know what Mashima is planning for them yet, but I hope it’s something cool. ‘Cause this- This ain’t it.

Like I said in the beginning: This is VERY Grisly, very Brutal chapter. Like; I read all of Rave Master some years ago, and I’ve been doing my best to keep up with Fairy Tail. I even have the Hiro Mashima’s Playground omnibus full of a bunch of his One shots. And all I can say is that I haven’t seen anything like this from him before! I’m not saying that’s a bad thing; it’s just surprising to see this much BDSM content in a Shonen Battle Manga! I kind of wonder why his editor’s let him draw this……………………

I think that the LAST thing that I want to talk about with this chapter is the teaser for next week’s chapter. Chapter 199: “Saintfire Fox.” We are getting ANOTHER member of the Oracion Seis Galactica in this arc! Between that and the other Interstelar members coming to Lendard- we are actually going to see EVERY SINGLE Oracion Seis member in this arc. And under Normal circumstances I would eat that sh!t up and prepare for a good time. But I’m honestly just curious as to what Mashima’s intentions with having all of these Important, “Big Name” characters in one spot- especially when he plans to have a Chronopage come and eat the planets time! I have one idea, though.

I said it in one review- can’t remember which- that this arc feels like a “Set up” arc for the post time skip era; the arc that shows us the state of the world around the characters, the relationships that they have with each other going forward, and has the potential to alter the Status Quo of the series as we know it. Maybe the Chronophage and all these Oracion Seis members are here for that reason? He could be trying to have them all “reset” or even Erased to open up new positions on both sides.

So…….. Could he become an Interstelar?

It would certainly be poor writing to get rid of characters like Eraser, Fox, Crow, Acnoella, Cure, Holy, and Feather without getting to know more about them all. But we’ve learned enough about Elsie and Justice to say that they can be erased no problem. I mean; I don’t want them to be, but if they were to- let’s say– reset by the Chronophage OR another thing that I want to save for later, then it wouldn’t be SO detrimental to the story. Kind of keeps in line with Jellal, really. I’m gonna reveal all in another post.


…………………… Kind of a weird and abrupt way to end the post, but this was kind of a “weird” post. It took me a little longer than I expected to complete this post. And I kind of came up with an idea for another post as I was writing. So I’ll save my BIG ideas for that. Sorry to blue ball ya like that.

Let me know your own thoughts in the comments, and until the next post- Have A Magical Day, ladies and gents. By~~~e!!!

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