World King Nero

Majik Hunting- Ichi Style! Ichi The Witch Chapter 3 BREAKDOWN

Hello, everyone. Chapter 3 “Madan No Itchi” is now in the history books, and IT– has given us a lot to talk about. 1)More cute Descarras moments 2)Ichi’s characterization, and 3)Some “World Building.” But mostly the first 2. I seriously love Descarras’ facial expressions; she looks like her line deliveries would be “drab and lifeless,” and yet I get the feeling she’s very emotional when put in the right situation. Hopefully the series can get to that point. Ah………………….. CR@P I don’t have a lot of sh!t to say in this opening!! I could talk about how good the first 2 chapters were again, but then I already did that now didn’t I? I don’t want this to end up like “Dead Rock” where every month I’m talking about the writing and potential of the series– I just want to talk about the series for a while. Though…………… that’s likely gonna happen no matter what I do. I’m sure it won’t last quite as long because this is a weekly series that stays on your mind longer because the release is more consistent; we’ll get more about the characters and the world in comparison to a Monthly series. That said: That’s less a flaw of monthly series, and more a flaw of Dead Rock. It manages to give you something every chapter, and yet it feels like nothing is happening yet. Hopefully recent events get sh!t moving, but we’ll just have to wait and see. Okay, I think I’ve padded this out enough– on with the review!! Ichi The Witch Chapter 3: “Raiko Majik.” Anyone who knows me knowsLightning Users Are Always A Win. Seriously, I like em all. We’ll Get To That Later- this opening is already sufficient…………………..


Mt Barokken- A Few Days LaterThe “Raiko Majik” has been frying random living things for the past 2 weeks with its electricity, shocking a bird so bad it falls to the ground- burnt to death. No Witches have come to claim it, so it decides to start looking around for that Human settlement it heard about, planning to actually electrify humans for a change. It begins some internal monologue about being a “Living Lightning Bolt” or whatever that’ll “cook you from the inside out.” It plans to make a name for itself amongst the Human-Hating Majiks by “creating a scene so grizzly that Witches faint upon seeing it,” and from there growing into “The Most Powerful Lightning Majik.” But Ichi’s Been Watching Him For An Entire Day, studying its habits and mannerisms while it’s so high on its own farts. Almost realizes he’s there, but ignores it, instead choosing to clean its Heart Jewel. RAIKO’S TRIAL: Steal that jewel without getting shocked even once.A Cruel Trial-” that Ichi has no interest in. It’s beginning to get paranoid, until it sees a Human girl. It’s so excited to finally get the chance to kill a Human that it misses the trap Ichi laid for it. 

A Simple Trap: a noose on a stick right where Ichi knew it would jump. You See: Foxes have this “quirk” to them where they always try to pounce on a pray from the Northeast. So he set up a Noose at the northeast just out of vision, and then threw a cloth drenched in Wood Vinegar on its face- enough to knock it out the moment it catches a whiff. Uroro finds this “anticlimactic-“ usually, there’s like a whole “ceremony” in which the Witch stands before the Majik to accept its trial. But Ichi doesn’t see any point in that; he wasn’t up to “play games” with this thing- it killed everything it saw “just for the fun of it.” Those who toy with others- have no right to complain when they’re the ones being toyed with. Uroro shrinks from the argument. Descarras notes how different Ichi is from a typical Witch; Witches tend to view Majiks as “Monsters” to be feared at worst, and respected at best- focusing on its power, rather than the Majik itself.

ICHI on the other hand spent the entire day watching it- learning its habits before coming up with the perfect trap for it. With the “Perfect Bait,” she adds. He hunts them as Living Creatures- not “Larger Than Life” monsters. To the point of trying to butcher it as if he was about to eat it. That worried both Descarras and Uroro. Thankfully, Raiko was stupid enough to practice the “opening” of its trial earlier in the day, informing them that all they need to do is take its heart jewel to acquire it. Ichi takes it, and Raiko becomes a Magic Stone before his eyes- a stone that proves that he’s acquired it. He is instructed to keep it on him at all times, but not to recite the chant on the gem. She figures that catching this Majik should be enough “appeasement” for her superiors, so she calls Monegold- who chews her out for leaving her with so much paperwork. She is instructed to bring Ichi to the Mantinel Witches Association In The Capital of Natali. She does- looking “Extra Fancy” while Ichi just looks like himself. Ichi The Witch Chapter 3 END!! This isn’t gonna be as easy as catching Raiko was, is it? Nor is this going to be a “hunt………………..” 


The last time Ichi used a spell- he was out for 3 daysAnd he used a spell at the end of the last. So it’s been a few days. And Ichi’s been watching Raiko the whole day, so it’s been about a week now since Ichi acquired Uroro. And it seems that Descarras has been teaching him proper power regulation- the rope he used on Raiko was enchanted by his Ultra Amplification magic. It’s been a few days is my point. And I guess she brought Ichi here to catch Raiko as a test, to see how he does against a Majik by himself. Whether or not he was the one who decided not to use his magic is anyone’s guess, but I imagine it was Ichi’s choice, since the outfit sticks out like a sore thumb. Wasn’t Descarras’ plan, but it shows that he’s capable in other ways. If he can acquire a Majik without actually doing its trial, then he’s certainly worth something- even as just a regular hunter. 

I noted that Uroro actually stopped arguing with Ichi’s method, implying that he knows- on SOME LEVEL- Ichi is right. He said that “those who toy with others shouldn’t complain when they’re toyed with;” it implies that he was somewhat f*cking with Raiko by popping out of the bushes the way he did. And Uroro actually stopped arguing, implying that he’s of a similar mindset. Raiko confirms here that a Majik can grow in power, implying that Uroro might not have always been as powerful a Majik. I’m thinking that one of the Witches who had hunted Uroro in the past- possibly even the first one– was the type to toy with Majik’s she was hunting- to the point where the Majik would let her acquire them. And he tried to defend his allies from her, and……………… failed. So he went on his little training arc, came back, and did the same to her. “Those Who Toy With Others Have No Right To Complain When They’re Being Toyed With-” just as he toyed with that Witch. Potentially; I don’t know how he went from “Avenging My Friends Against Witches” to “Tormenting Humans.” Honestly, it could have just been the “intensity” with which Ichi said that that made him shrink from the conversation……………..

I also like the way Desscaras noted Ichi’s way of viewing Majiks; it shows that she’s attentive in her duties- even if she hadn’t contacted Monegold in a few days. She notes that Ichi doesn’t “deify” Majiks- to him, they’re just “the next hunt;” creatures he plans to hunt so that he may use their various traits, or to hunt so that they don’t kill anyone needlessly. If he subscribes to the idea of killing in self defense- “Death For Death-” then I imagine he won’t think twice when a Majik’s kills a Witch that’s trying to kill IT, and vice versa. He’s an interesting character, so far. So is Desscaras, but she hasn’t gotten much focus. She doesn’t seems to be the type that doesn’t follow every order she’s given, and yet still gets the job done. Not the type to do a whole bunch of paperwork, either. I like her so far; her personality is charming. 

As for what awaits Ichi in the Capital: Definitely that girl who was leaving the village in chapter 1 who will speak to the “Witch Council” on Ichi’s behalf, affirming to them that he’ll be useful in the hunt for the more powerful Majiks of the world. Desscaras now also has evidence of that. Which will lead into the first multi chapter hunt for a powerful Majik; like 2 or 3 chapters dedicated to this one Majik, as well as further establishing the type of character Ichi is- what Desscaras can do- explore the feelings that girl has for Ichi- not like a “first arc,” but first challenge. Masashi Kishimoto- creator of Naruto– discussed in an interview why he introduced the Sharingan so early on; that he didn’t know if he would be cancelled, so he threw in something he wanted to do early on because he didn’t know if he would get the chance to later. So most series tend to get to those “cooler/larger” concepts within these early chapters. This next Hunt Ichi’s going on is likely going to have some kind of “prominence” in the story– be it for Ichi’s power, reputation, or for a whole other character we’ll be seeing go along with him. They might send another Witch along with him instead of Dess, so as to get “accurate” results. That’s at least where I think this is going, based my knowledge of new series patterns. 

New series seem to follow certain trends, so I’m taking a “shot in the dark” and predicting what’s gonna happen next. It’s something to get people invested early on; presenting something “familiar” to grab you before the “Story” actually starts. Black Clover was a bit hammfisted in that regard; My Hero was the same way; Mashle was the same; they’ve all done it. This series is no different, and even later on some of these series can be kind of “same-y.” But it’s not about the “tropes” being used- it’s how they’re used. Black Clover uses them to their fullest; My Hero “progressed” them; this series is still young– we’ll have to wait and see what it chooses to become…………………. God Willing It Gets Far Enough To Make That Choice.


I’m gonna level with you: That probably could have been a Short Review. I thought I’d have more to say- the same way I did for Dead Rock when it started, but…………….. I guess not. You have to understand: Dead Rock’s opening chapters were impactful- they let you know right off the bat what the series was and what it was leading to. That, and it has such a large potential for worldbuilding and lore- more so than any of Mashima’s previous works. This has 2 important names behind it, and the “concept” of the series can be built to make a fine “world,” but…………….. there was just something to “Dead Rock” that set it apart. I think this series has been good thus far, and I think that Ichi will prove to be an interesting main character to follow. And I get the feeling that its “intrigue” might last a little longer than “Dead Rock.” We’ll just have to wait and see, though. 

The SOLE REASON that this came out so late in the week is due to me f*cking around a lot while I could work on it, and having work one day earlier in the week. That’s really all that happened. And for that I AM sorry, guys. I’ll do better. Let me know what you guys think in the comments. ‘Til next time, everyone; Stay Safe- Stay Healthy- Stay Magic.

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