World King Nero

Ichi The Witch Chapter 4 SHORT REVIEW

Learned my lesson from the last review; these early chapters don’t have a lot of “content” content like we’re used to. So I’m not gonna force myself to stretch these initial reviews out for days and days at a time- especially when I have other posts to do. And work. I’m probably gonna have work most of the week, so I don’t want this post to take me forever and a day to write(even with the rules that I put on myself that don’t let me get on my computer past a certain time in the day). So expect “Short Reviews” for the series for a little while(say this and next week is gonna be some Super Important chapter). That said– there’s still content. This week’s chapter is very much the “Worldbuilding” part of the early story; the chapter that gives us a “Rough Outline” of how things work on a bureaucratic level- we learn about the “base” level of the hierarchy of Witches, as well as learn about other uses for Magic outside of being a Witch! Important stuff- if only at the “base” level. We’ll learn more about the bureaucracy as we go. Also, we meet a new character that might end up staying in the main cast, but it’s too early to tell. Alright, I’m out of “Fluff.” Ichi The Witch Chapter 4: “Natali, The Capital.” Let’s begin.

The Mantinel Witch Association Explained

There are 3 tiers to Witches in the association

  1. The “Elites(A Bare Handful)-“ Magic “Specialist” deployed to hunt Majik. Desscaras is an “Elite.”
  2. Senior Witch Cadets- The “Assistants” to the Elites, working as support in Majik Hunts, manufacturing Magic items and equipment, and assist in Magic research. 
  3. Junior Witch Cadets- Those determined to have an aptitude for using Magic- enough to qualify to learn at the associations personal training facility: “The Mantinel Magic Academy For Girls.”

I’m reminded of the hierarchy of Saiyan Society, looking at this hierarchy. I read it on the wiki(“reliable source,” I know) that “most Saiyan’s are Low class; a handful are Mid Class; the royals are the only Elites.” That likely isn’t the case here, but I think the stats line up; most Witches that we’ll be meeting will likely be of the Cadet level- more Juniors than Seniors. It also mentions that the Senior Cadets are tasked with helping in the development of Magic items, meaning that there are some tools in the world enchanted with power. And that they are in fact researching different applications for Magic. They could also be dissecting Majiks to see how they work, harvesting their origins for research. Depending on how Majiks in this series are handled- that could be cruel or “just a thing.” They could end up like Devils in Chainsaw Man where they simply “respawn” upon Death, leaving that original body. If it works like that, then it might not be as “cruel.” 

Although we also know- from everything that we’ve seen thus far- that Majiks do have differing personalities. hope they’re not dissecting the kinder Majiks of the world; Human-hating ones like Uroro and Raiko might be alright, but the Water Majik we saw in chapter 1 and more aren’t against Humans- I think they’d be more inclined to help in that research. But I also thing that learning about the biology of Majiks would be a cool route for the story to take. I always liked the idea of exploring the biology of fictional creatures- like Pokemon; I’ve always been interested in Eevee’s “irregular” DNA that gives it so many routes for its evolution, as well as the gland in certain Pokemon’s bodies that allow them to produce Fire and Electricity. I think that would be cool to see in this story– how Majiks like Raiko and Uroro work. 

Magic In The Day-To-Day

We learn that there are actually many women out there who have the potential for magic- but can barely use it. Though the description also let’s us know that one must be able to use even that small amount of Magic to use a magic tool. So men can’t even use magic items, either. We see them use Magic tools in this merchant area of Natali, using it to promote various items- even Magic items themselvesThough why they would be selling items when only women would get any use out of them is…………………… questionable. I guess girls from all over come to the capital to take the Magic Academy Entrance Exam, so maybe they’re trying to get money off of tourists. 

There’s also the culture around Witches; seemingly being treated as celebrities to the point of a book being released about Desscaras. I imagine some of those stories are “exaggerated” to an nth degree, but I’m curious to here her react to some of the stories compiled within. Then again, she doesn’t seem like the “most reliable source,” herself. 


See; not even that much to talk about. This is what a “Short Review” SHOULD be, instead of me “grasping at straws” just to make the post even a little longer. In a regular post, I could have talked about variety of things like how Magic is needed just to use Magic items; Kumugi and her potential role in the story; the look that Desscaras gave Ichi when he expressed his love for Magic; a lot. But in all honesty, not a lot that I can grasp from just the pages we got. Plus, it’s kind of “obvious” what that look builds up for Desscaras– likely that she never thought of Magic in the same way as Ichi, or that that “childlike innocence” that Ichi has was lost to her, and her character arc will be regaining that “innocence” through her interaction with Ichi. Something simple like that- it’s not like this series aims to “reinvent the wheel” or anything, I wouldn’t think. Ah…………….. I don’t even really have more to say on the matter. Let me know what you guys think in the comments, and until next time, everyone- Stay Safe; Stay Healthy; Stay Magic. Later!!

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